Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nov 17 chat

11:04:21  ME : think about what we talked about last week
11:04:26  ME : this whole thing is scripted
11:04:34  ME : the letter to the fed
11:04:40  ME : the wsj thing
11:04:43  ME : and now todays thing
11:21:18  *** FRIEND 2 acknowledged the chat request.
11:22:41  FRIEND 2 : I just retyrned from a meeting.  Which item are you refering to today.  I got lost with so many developments.
11:22:56  ME : the house republicans coming out against QE2
11:28:04  FRIEND 2 : Is it a unified opposition or just the tea party?
11:30:30  ME : led by the republican house leadership
11:30:35  ME : mcconnell and cantor
11:31:10  FRIEND 2 : I viewed it as an internal struggle ofr the direction of the party.  Just like the democrats are struggling with direction after the election defeat
11:31:46  ME : you're not nearly cynical enough about the rollout of 'memes' in media
11:34:14  FRIEND 2 : I am interested to see what new initiatives are undertaken before and after the new congress sits.  If nothing changes, the economy is toast.
11:34:31  FRIEND 2 : Tax hikes, expensive health care etc
11:34:35  ME : what changes do you want to see so that the economy is n ot toast?
11:34:47  ME : so deeper deficits are better?
11:35:26  ME : sounds a lot like choosing how to get executed - you can get shot or you can get hung...
11:36:41  FRIEND 2 : delay any tax hikes for 2 years, repeal the health care legislation so businesses are not afraid to hire, address the public sector pension issue by cutting entitlements (make them work more than 20 yrs before drawing a pension) etc
11:37:41  ME : but then you;d have to acknowledge things haven;t really gotten better
11:37:50  ME : despite all the claims
11:37:58  ME : which would spook markets
11:38:04  ME : creating more pessimism
11:38:11  FRIEND 2 : I think the Feda
11:38:13  ME : and more negative demand shocks
11:38:59  FRIEND 2 : The fed action was because fiscal policy was gridlocked.  If congress enacted pro-growth policies, the Fed action would not be needed.
11:39:48  FRIEND 2 : America is a nation of inovators.  Give businesses incentives to hire
11:40:00  ME : is or used to be?
11:40:45  ME : the degree of centralization of commerce is a threat to the type of innovation you desire
11:40:56  ME : maybe roll back all the concentrations of various industries
11:40:58  ME : then
11:41:02  ME : banking
11:41:04  ME : media
11:41:06  ME : etc
11:41:17  ME : military/industrial
11:41:25  ME : northrup grumman
11:41:27  ME : et al
11:41:34  FRIEND 2 : most job creation is from small businesses.  They are ones who can't get the credit now to expand
11:41:46  ME : despite banks being awash in liquidity
11:41:54  ME : which of coure indicts TARP
11:42:09  ME : key semantic change
11:42:25  ME : betraying the political nature of bernanke and the fed
11:42:36  ME : inserting the key phrase "credit worthy"
11:42:42  ME : well after the fact of TARP
11:42:45  ME : pre TARP
11:42:58  ME : "get the flow of credit running to borrowers again"
11:43:03  ME : 1yr later
11:43:08  FRIEND 2 : they are buying treasurys, which is why the fed is trying to make them seek other ways to invest/loan the money.  there is ample liquidity, but the banks just got crushed on lending
11:43:15  ME : "get credit flowing to credit worthy borrowers"
11:43:44  ME : if you ever thought banks would loan any new monies to private sector america, you are deluded!!
11:43:56  ME : what a laugh
11:44:38  FRIEND 2 : it is too profitable playing the roll down and carry game in risk free assets.  they need to lend, not buy govt guaranteed treasury debt
11:45:00  ME : so you agree TARP was a failur given its stated goals then
11:45:25  FRIEND 2 : take the profit out of the carry game, and they will follow their noses to other profitable areas.
11:45:41  ME : so you want a transaction tax?
11:45:46  ME : higher cap gains?
11:45:49  ME : what?
11:46:12  ME : how bout not give them no-strings-attached money to begin with????
11:48:10  FRIEND 2 : the profit motive is a powerful motivator.
11:48:18  ME : cruel joke it all is
11:48:25  ME : the rhetoric
11:48:32  ME : vs the reality
12:02:47  ME :
12:07:05  ME : what do you think??
12:07:23  ME : rates wise
12:07:29  FRIEND 2 : I had not seen this.  Are they just trying to harness the tea party voters?
12:07:38  ME : remember last week
12:07:44  ME : think about the larger game
12:07:50  ME : you know, g209
12:07:53  ME : g209!
12:07:57  ME : we're on our way
12:08:12  ME : we just need north korea to agree to our preferred corruption scheme
12:08:19  ME : g20
12:08:25  ME : china downgrading u.s.
12:08:27  FRIEND 2 : I think the fed loses more credibility by reacting to political pressure than they could possibly gain.  They must be seen to be independant
12:08:34  ME : putting $1T of Treasuries on offer
12:08:44  ME : what a laugh
12:08:53  ME : that the fed is not a highly politicized entity
12:08:57  ME : given the last 15 years
12:09:00  ME : seriosul
12:09:04  ME : seriously
12:09:08  ME : come on
12:09:34  ME : asset prices are not under their purview on the way up
12:09:39  ME : but they are on the way down??
12:09:40  ME : huh??
12:09:51  FRIEND 2 : but if they reverse course now, in response to politicians who have spent the past 10 yrs pumping up the deficit only now find religion?
12:09:59  ME : the most massive expansion in credit EVER (inflationary!)
12:10:09  ME : was either
12:10:10  ME : 1)
12:10:12  ME : flat out missed
12:10:14  ME : or
12:10:15  ME : 2)
12:10:16  ME : ignored
12:10:23  ME : because of political consideration
12:10:27  ME : either way
12:10:34  ME : complete indictment
12:11:00  ME : how can you talk in dulcet tones about fed credibility now??
12:12:04  ME : all that there is left is the ability of the sell side to credibly say 'fed credibility' with people not erupting in laughter or populist fury
12:12:17  ME : that's all there is left
12:12:41  ME : you know, the people cashing the bernanke put checks

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