Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nov 16 Chat

09:09:53  FRIEND 1 : interesting markets
09:11:16  ME : yeah, the time between large events is very short now
09:11:21  ME : remember dubai?
09:11:37  FRIEND 1 : so true
09:11:44  ME : now you get europe cracking the week after
you get the u.s. rout
09:11:51  FRIEND 1 : its a rolling crisis
09:12:20  ME : i heard china offered to buy irish and greek
debt in exchange for cooperation on their currency issues
09:12:29  FRIEND 1 : really
09:12:33  ME : which shows you they are very long the status quo
09:12:38  ME : yeah
09:12:46  ME : and i think that is right
09:12:51  ME : china is very long the status quo
09:12:59  ME : which makes last week a lot of brinksmanship
09:13:18  ME : ultimately, the effect on the market is
treasuries are a buy
09:13:21  FRIEND 1 : they also have a great of leverage
09:13:24  ME : they do
09:13:35  ME : but they have n o desire to pull the plug on
the dollar
09:13:42  FRIEND 1 : no,
09:13:43  ME : and the international global macro framework
09:13:51  FRIEND 1 : that does not help them
09:13:52  ME : meaning they need to buy dollars
09:13:58  ME : and treasuries
09:14:20  FRIEND 1 : I guess we know who will bail us out
09:14:23  ME : and it has had its desired effect
09:14:45  ME : you get an establishment drone like bob
corker cming out and adopting a 'curtail the fed' message
09:15:01  FRIEND 1 : what was that
09:15:11  ME : senator bob corker from tennessee
09:15:20  FRIEND 1 : I know
09:15:21  ME : supportin glegislation to end the fed's dual mandate
09:15:27  FRIEND 1 : very stupid comment
09:15:31  ME : he's a tool
09:15:44  ME : though i am indeed anti-fed
09:15:46  FRIEND 1 : good description
09:16:02  ME : they've done a terrible job
09:16:07  FRIEND 1 : they are out of control
09:16:11  ME : whatever your attribution of why
09:16:40  FRIEND 1 : QE2 not having desired affect
09:16:45  ME : we can't have deflation from unwinding a
credit bubble but we can have credit bubbles?
09:16:53  ME : crazy
09:16:59  FRIEND 1 : good point
09:17:09  ME : asset prices aren’t under their purview when
they're going up
09:17:18  ME : but they are when they're going down??
09:17:25  ME : huh??
09:17:58  ME : what a joke
09:18:40  FRIEND 1 : yep
09:45:35  ME : crazy move in gold
09:43:33  ME : but i think its right
09:43:41  ME : the possibility of deflation far outweighs inflation
09:43:54  ME : hyperinflation
09:43:57  ME : i guess that is
09:44:18  ME : there is very little political will for a
monetary solution
09:44:31  ME : stemming frmo the populist outrage
09:44:42  ME : seeing it as the tax it is
09:45:20  ME : so i think the japan scenario does play out
despite the key differences between the U.S. now and Japan in the
early 90's
09:52:47  FRIEND 1 : nope
09:52:58  FRIEND 1 : US is different animal
09:53:30  ME : but the creditor nations will support the currency
09:53:39  ME : and fund the current account deficit
09:54:22  ME : no?
09:54:57  FRIEND 1 : yes
09:55:54  ME : and i think you'd have to grant the fed is a
highly politicized entity
09:56:01  ME : given our above discussion
09:56:11  FRIEND 1 : without a doubt
09:56:28  ME : so money printing ad infinitum is not an option
09:56:48  ME : meaning asset prices have tremendous
deflationary pressure
09:56:51  FRIEND 1 : of course not
09:57:03  ME : since they do not have the bernanke put
09:57:17  ME : and have lots of room still to drop to
correct for the unwind of the credit bubble
09:57:32  ME : how do you not directly go to insolvency of
the financial system?
09:57:48  ME : nationalizations or quasi nationalizations
09:58:00  ME : low to negative growth
09:58:02  ME : in gdp
09:58:28  ME : but not a currency collapse
09:58:28  FRIEND 1 : hmmm
09:58:44  ME : since the creditor nations desire a
perpetuation of the status quo
09:59:13  ME : to me, equals long slow grind
09:59:29  FRIEND 1 : not 10yrs
09:59:31  ME : there will be no miracle jobs recovery
09:59:36  FRIEND 1 : nope
09:59:44  FRIEND 1 : i would say 3-5yrs
09:59:47  ME : 44% of americans aged 25or older have a high
school degree or less
10:00:04  ME : but the marginal unskilled job is created in
china or elsewhere in the third worls
10:00:06  ME : world
10:00:33  ME : current govt obligation have us on a massive
structurla deficit path
10:00:39  ME : constraining fiscal policy options
10:00:47  ME : to 'employ the people'
10:00:52  FRIEND 1 : good point
10:01:38  ME : so i think the current economic environment
continues for 10 years
10:02:16  FRIEND 1 : I think we both agree on major issues its just
the duration where we differ
10:02:26  ME : yeah
10:02:36  ME : and the political impetus is with the tea party
10:02:57  ME : to the point establishment drones like bob
corker are adopting anti-fed positions
10:03:45  ME : so where does your recovery come from?
10:03:52  ME : not asset price based wealth effect
10:03:59  ME : not from fiscal policy
10:04:02  ME : expansion
10:04:25  ME : not from massive change in global economic structure
10:04:28  ME : structure
10:04:41  ME : tat creates the marginal job in more
impoverished places
10:04:45  FRIEND 1 : wow
10:04:46  ME : so... where???
10:04:52  FRIEND 1 : your killing me
10:04:56  ME : yeah guy!
10:05:03  FRIEND 1 : haha
10:05:39  FRIEND 1 : I think we will have 3% growth in 2011
10:06:12  FRIEND 1 : not great but adequate to create some job growth
10:07:56  FRIEND 1 : corporations have healthy balance sheets which helps
10:09:28  ME : no top line growth
10:09:39  ME : and meets/beats on earnings by cutting labor costs
10:09:52  FRIEND 1 : true,
10:09:56  ME : not a healthy macro dynamic!!
10:10:14  FRIEND 1 : I think type line growth will return
10:10:20  ME : how?
10:10:33  ME : top line won’t return without jobs
10:10:38  FRIEND 1 : hopefully the weak dollar helps exports
10:10:39  ME : jobs won;t return without top line
10:10:57  FRIEND 1 : and we realize we need to employ the 44%  of americans
10:11:04  ME : so we're going to start selling things to
the mythical chinese/indian middle classes?
10:11:05  FRIEND 1 : without college degrees
10:11:10  FRIEND 1 : yes
10:11:20  FRIEND 1 : lets build America
10:11:44  FRIEND 1 : this will need to happen over the next 5-10yrs
10:11:55  FRIEND 1 : this imbalance has taken 20yrs
10:12:03  ME : that kind of collective action will take a
deeper dislocation
10:12:06  FRIEND 1 : will take long time to unwind
10:12:13  ME : yes
10:12:21  ME : ok, so you're off 3-5 years
10:12:24  ME : ?
10:12:26  FRIEND 1 : haha
10:12:28  FRIEND 1 : I guess
10:12:31  ME : ok
10:12:42  ME : i am comfortable with 5-10
10:12:57  FRIEND 1 : fiscal policy needs to promote this change
10:13:03  FRIEND 1 : not QE@
10:13:04  FRIEND 1 : 2
10:13:36  FRIEND 1 : QE2 is acting as fire wall
10:14:04  FRIEND 1 : structural change will need to happen
10:14:46  FRIEND 1 : maybe someone with some foresight can convince
the politicians that we must change
10:14:52  FRIEND 1 : this is unsustainable
10:14:52  ME : lol
10:15:12  FRIEND 1 : and dangerous to our very sovereignty
10:15:21  FRIEND 1 : and way of life
10:15:35  ME : you are very sanguine!!
10:15:42  FRIEND 1 : yes,
10:15:56  ME : terrifically optimistic about the intentions
of the people in positions of power
10:16:02  ME : in the face of all the evidence!!
10:16:15  FRIEND 1 : change agent is coming
10:16:24  ME : dude
10:16:27  FRIEND 1 : Senator Young of California
10:16:28  ME : where?
10:16:33  ME : From what party???
10:16:43  FRIEND 1 : which ever you prefer
10:17:07  ME : but to be viable in the current system (very
early on) you have to sell out your beliefs
10:17:16  ME : under the D or R label
10:17:19  FRIEND 1 : rand paul
10:17:22  ME : so I need a billionaire backing
10:17:27  ME : maybe
10:17:34  FRIEND 1 : yes
10:17:45  FRIEND 1 : it can be done
10:17:49  ME : it can be done
10:17:57  ME : believe me, i do think about it
10:18:05  ME : part of the larger, where do i belong motif?
10:18:12  FRIEND 1 : I here you
10:18:24  FRIEND 1 : you have great ideas
10:18:38  FRIEND 1 : need to channel
10:18:39  ME : thanks
10:18:41  ME : yes
10:18:46  ME : into what?
10:18:53  ME : getting a hedge fund gig?
10:19:01  ME : becoming a blogger
10:19:03  FRIEND 1 : the greater good of YOU
10:19:04  ME : talk show host
10:19:18  ME : or involved in government
10:19:28  FRIEND 1 : so how
10:19:30  FRIEND 1 : yes
10:19:31  ME : there is such a thing as the greater good
10:19:38  ME : and enlightened self interest
10:19:39  FRIEND 1 : I think so
10:19:47  ME : enlightened self interest seems to have
died in the last 20 years
10:19:51  FRIEND 1 : yes Grass Hopper
10:20:10  ME : sometimes you have to leave a few seeds in
the ground!!!
10:20:17  ME : usually
10:20:19  ME : in fact!
10:20:29  ME : haha
10:20:43  FRIEND 1 : ha

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