Monday, November 29, 2010

also right on cue


Leaked U.S. Cables Expose Tensions With China

sort of amazing the timing of this Wikileaks dump, isn't it?  Given the Chinese spanking Obama at the G20, the 'mystery missile', the Korean provocations, China and Russia dropping the Dollar in trade settlement... and now this?  I'm sure it's a coincidence!!

right on cue

let me emphasize the political strategy being employed here.  Dems/establishment ceding 'ownership' of economy to the Repubs/establishment in a setup for 2012.  In turn balancing the demands of foreign creditors with domestic political opposition.

also here...

Obama Proposes Freeze
on Federal-Worker Pay

Obama proposed a two-year salary freeze for all federal civilian employees, ahead of negotiations with Congress on deficit-cutting that are likely to dominate Washington next year.

and observe how the media is happy to play ball and push the 'deficit cutting' meme...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

it's the labor/capital dynamic, stupid

07:06:24  ME :
07:10:31  *** FRIEND 2 acknowledged the chat request.

10:48:48  ME :
10:49:02  ME : i think i beat him to this analysis
10:54:18  FRIEND 2 : I think as long as china artificially suppresses the value of their currency, they cannot complain too loudly.  They keep it low to create export jobs.  We need jobs too
10:56:43  ME : you're misattributing
10:56:53  ME : you’re looking at a symptom
10:57:10  ME : the factories would just roll out to the next impoverished place
10:57:18  ME : already happening
10:57:29  ME : roll out
10:58:13  ME : 'free trade' and 'international economics' are just dogmas
10:58:42  ME : void of any real foundational theory at least as far as they are currently constructed
10:58:57  ME : we live in an industrial./post industrial world
10:59:07  FRIEND 2 : we need freely traded currencies which reflect economic strengths and weaknesses.  Any attempt to artificially impact the value creates imbalances.  China is complaining because we are doing what they do
10:59:16  ME : where labor cost and regulatory environments are the main costs to production
10:59:52  ME : i object to the implicit definition of 'we' as a unified interest
11:00:14  ME : i object to the implicit definition of 'china' as a monolithic unified entity as well
11:00:19  ME : that is the misattribution
11:01:14  ME : international trade is based on arbitraging living standards on the labor force
11:01:25  ME : as well as seeking the lowest regulatory cost
11:01:45  ME : in effect rolling back the advances made by the historically democratic capitalist western economies
11:01:54  ME : and returning the world to plutocracy/serfdom
11:02:00  FRIEND 2 : we use the dollar.  they use the yuan.  I am not suggesting we are unified in the way we or they think, only the currency we and they use
11:02:21  ME : 'they' are doing this, 'we' are doing that
11:02:48  ME : the nation-state analysis is an obfuscation of the real dynamic in the world economy
11:02:56  ME : sorry to use such strong language
11:03:02  ME : it is not directed at you personally
11:03:18  ME : and i have been guilty of it as well
11:03:29  ME : buying into the soap operatic day to day piece of us and them
11:03:36  ME : as it plays out on the international stage
11:03:39  ME : with the various actors
11:04:03  FRIEND 2 : china was an emerging economy.  they will soon rival us for influence on a global scale.  does the US just sit by and watch, or stay strong by using the only policy tool we have left?  congress is impotent
11:04:31  ME : i suggest spending some time evaluating the causes of that last statement
11:04:49  ME : the U.S. has not sat by and idly watched
11:05:07  FRIEND 2 : no offense taken.  i get frustrated as the US sinks due to numerous policy mistakes we have made over recent administrations.
11:05:09  ME : the 'powers that be' here have in fact perpetuated that very dynamic you attribute to the chinese
11:05:11  ME : !
11:05:47  ME : it’s the classic labor/capital framework
11:05:55  ME : that is relevant
11:06:10  ME : the trade agreements are the most anti-democratic documents ever perpetuated on the world
11:07:19  ME : please refute my postulate!
11:07:39  FRIEND 2 : I am in the middle of a trade inquiry.  back soon
11:08:43  ME : it all ties together quite nicely
11:08:59  ME : the  electoral/campaign process has been completely coopted by special interests
11:11:32  ME : the special interests represent the big businesses that have 'offshored' u.s. manufacturing jobs enabled by the enaction of the trade agreements championed by the big business lobbies]
11:12:27  ME : profits have accrued to management, shareholders and the various chinese entities that had to be 'cut in' to the profit participation to have access to the proletarian chinese workforce/population
11:12:41  ME : mainly the chinese military and communist party officials
11:13:03  ME : the new faces of 'capitalism'!!
11:14:42  ME : in an effective quid pro quo, gov't incents the financial sector to create/provide credit to the american population in order to offset the income shock of the above
11:15:37  ME : and provide a put on asset prices when the inevitable ponzi scheme from that dynamic breaks down
11:15:47  ME : that's exactly what has happened

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nov 17 chat

11:04:21  ME : think about what we talked about last week
11:04:26  ME : this whole thing is scripted
11:04:34  ME : the letter to the fed
11:04:40  ME : the wsj thing
11:04:43  ME : and now todays thing
11:21:18  *** FRIEND 2 acknowledged the chat request.
11:22:41  FRIEND 2 : I just retyrned from a meeting.  Which item are you refering to today.  I got lost with so many developments.
11:22:56  ME : the house republicans coming out against QE2
11:28:04  FRIEND 2 : Is it a unified opposition or just the tea party?
11:30:30  ME : led by the republican house leadership
11:30:35  ME : mcconnell and cantor
11:31:10  FRIEND 2 : I viewed it as an internal struggle ofr the direction of the party.  Just like the democrats are struggling with direction after the election defeat
11:31:46  ME : you're not nearly cynical enough about the rollout of 'memes' in media
11:34:14  FRIEND 2 : I am interested to see what new initiatives are undertaken before and after the new congress sits.  If nothing changes, the economy is toast.
11:34:31  FRIEND 2 : Tax hikes, expensive health care etc
11:34:35  ME : what changes do you want to see so that the economy is n ot toast?
11:34:47  ME : so deeper deficits are better?
11:35:26  ME : sounds a lot like choosing how to get executed - you can get shot or you can get hung...
11:36:41  FRIEND 2 : delay any tax hikes for 2 years, repeal the health care legislation so businesses are not afraid to hire, address the public sector pension issue by cutting entitlements (make them work more than 20 yrs before drawing a pension) etc
11:37:41  ME : but then you;d have to acknowledge things haven;t really gotten better
11:37:50  ME : despite all the claims
11:37:58  ME : which would spook markets
11:38:04  ME : creating more pessimism
11:38:11  FRIEND 2 : I think the Feda
11:38:13  ME : and more negative demand shocks
11:38:59  FRIEND 2 : The fed action was because fiscal policy was gridlocked.  If congress enacted pro-growth policies, the Fed action would not be needed.
11:39:48  FRIEND 2 : America is a nation of inovators.  Give businesses incentives to hire
11:40:00  ME : is or used to be?
11:40:45  ME : the degree of centralization of commerce is a threat to the type of innovation you desire
11:40:56  ME : maybe roll back all the concentrations of various industries
11:40:58  ME : then
11:41:02  ME : banking
11:41:04  ME : media
11:41:06  ME : etc
11:41:17  ME : military/industrial
11:41:25  ME : northrup grumman
11:41:27  ME : et al
11:41:34  FRIEND 2 : most job creation is from small businesses.  They are ones who can't get the credit now to expand
11:41:46  ME : despite banks being awash in liquidity
11:41:54  ME : which of coure indicts TARP
11:42:09  ME : key semantic change
11:42:25  ME : betraying the political nature of bernanke and the fed
11:42:36  ME : inserting the key phrase "credit worthy"
11:42:42  ME : well after the fact of TARP
11:42:45  ME : pre TARP
11:42:58  ME : "get the flow of credit running to borrowers again"
11:43:03  ME : 1yr later
11:43:08  FRIEND 2 : they are buying treasurys, which is why the fed is trying to make them seek other ways to invest/loan the money.  there is ample liquidity, but the banks just got crushed on lending
11:43:15  ME : "get credit flowing to credit worthy borrowers"
11:43:44  ME : if you ever thought banks would loan any new monies to private sector america, you are deluded!!
11:43:56  ME : what a laugh
11:44:38  FRIEND 2 : it is too profitable playing the roll down and carry game in risk free assets.  they need to lend, not buy govt guaranteed treasury debt
11:45:00  ME : so you agree TARP was a failur given its stated goals then
11:45:25  FRIEND 2 : take the profit out of the carry game, and they will follow their noses to other profitable areas.
11:45:41  ME : so you want a transaction tax?
11:45:46  ME : higher cap gains?
11:45:49  ME : what?
11:46:12  ME : how bout not give them no-strings-attached money to begin with????
11:48:10  FRIEND 2 : the profit motive is a powerful motivator.
11:48:18  ME : cruel joke it all is
11:48:25  ME : the rhetoric
11:48:32  ME : vs the reality
12:02:47  ME :
12:07:05  ME : what do you think??
12:07:23  ME : rates wise
12:07:29  FRIEND 2 : I had not seen this.  Are they just trying to harness the tea party voters?
12:07:38  ME : remember last week
12:07:44  ME : think about the larger game
12:07:50  ME : you know, g209
12:07:53  ME : g209!
12:07:57  ME : we're on our way
12:08:12  ME : we just need north korea to agree to our preferred corruption scheme
12:08:19  ME : g20
12:08:25  ME : china downgrading u.s.
12:08:27  FRIEND 2 : I think the fed loses more credibility by reacting to political pressure than they could possibly gain.  They must be seen to be independant
12:08:34  ME : putting $1T of Treasuries on offer
12:08:44  ME : what a laugh
12:08:53  ME : that the fed is not a highly politicized entity
12:08:57  ME : given the last 15 years
12:09:00  ME : seriosul
12:09:04  ME : seriously
12:09:08  ME : come on
12:09:34  ME : asset prices are not under their purview on the way up
12:09:39  ME : but they are on the way down??
12:09:40  ME : huh??
12:09:51  FRIEND 2 : but if they reverse course now, in response to politicians who have spent the past 10 yrs pumping up the deficit only now find religion?
12:09:59  ME : the most massive expansion in credit EVER (inflationary!)
12:10:09  ME : was either
12:10:10  ME : 1)
12:10:12  ME : flat out missed
12:10:14  ME : or
12:10:15  ME : 2)
12:10:16  ME : ignored
12:10:23  ME : because of political consideration
12:10:27  ME : either way
12:10:34  ME : complete indictment
12:11:00  ME : how can you talk in dulcet tones about fed credibility now??
12:12:04  ME : all that there is left is the ability of the sell side to credibly say 'fed credibility' with people not erupting in laughter or populist fury
12:12:17  ME : that's all there is left
12:12:41  ME : you know, the people cashing the bernanke put checks

Nov 16 Chat

09:09:53  FRIEND 1 : interesting markets
09:11:16  ME : yeah, the time between large events is very short now
09:11:21  ME : remember dubai?
09:11:37  FRIEND 1 : so true
09:11:44  ME : now you get europe cracking the week after
you get the u.s. rout
09:11:51  FRIEND 1 : its a rolling crisis
09:12:20  ME : i heard china offered to buy irish and greek
debt in exchange for cooperation on their currency issues
09:12:29  FRIEND 1 : really
09:12:33  ME : which shows you they are very long the status quo
09:12:38  ME : yeah
09:12:46  ME : and i think that is right
09:12:51  ME : china is very long the status quo
09:12:59  ME : which makes last week a lot of brinksmanship
09:13:18  ME : ultimately, the effect on the market is
treasuries are a buy
09:13:21  FRIEND 1 : they also have a great of leverage
09:13:24  ME : they do
09:13:35  ME : but they have n o desire to pull the plug on
the dollar
09:13:42  FRIEND 1 : no,
09:13:43  ME : and the international global macro framework
09:13:51  FRIEND 1 : that does not help them
09:13:52  ME : meaning they need to buy dollars
09:13:58  ME : and treasuries
09:14:20  FRIEND 1 : I guess we know who will bail us out
09:14:23  ME : and it has had its desired effect
09:14:45  ME : you get an establishment drone like bob
corker cming out and adopting a 'curtail the fed' message
09:15:01  FRIEND 1 : what was that
09:15:11  ME : senator bob corker from tennessee
09:15:20  FRIEND 1 : I know
09:15:21  ME : supportin glegislation to end the fed's dual mandate
09:15:27  FRIEND 1 : very stupid comment
09:15:31  ME : he's a tool
09:15:44  ME : though i am indeed anti-fed
09:15:46  FRIEND 1 : good description
09:16:02  ME : they've done a terrible job
09:16:07  FRIEND 1 : they are out of control
09:16:11  ME : whatever your attribution of why
09:16:40  FRIEND 1 : QE2 not having desired affect
09:16:45  ME : we can't have deflation from unwinding a
credit bubble but we can have credit bubbles?
09:16:53  ME : crazy
09:16:59  FRIEND 1 : good point
09:17:09  ME : asset prices aren’t under their purview when
they're going up
09:17:18  ME : but they are when they're going down??
09:17:25  ME : huh??
09:17:58  ME : what a joke
09:18:40  FRIEND 1 : yep
09:45:35  ME : crazy move in gold
09:43:33  ME : but i think its right
09:43:41  ME : the possibility of deflation far outweighs inflation
09:43:54  ME : hyperinflation
09:43:57  ME : i guess that is
09:44:18  ME : there is very little political will for a
monetary solution
09:44:31  ME : stemming frmo the populist outrage
09:44:42  ME : seeing it as the tax it is
09:45:20  ME : so i think the japan scenario does play out
despite the key differences between the U.S. now and Japan in the
early 90's
09:52:47  FRIEND 1 : nope
09:52:58  FRIEND 1 : US is different animal
09:53:30  ME : but the creditor nations will support the currency
09:53:39  ME : and fund the current account deficit
09:54:22  ME : no?
09:54:57  FRIEND 1 : yes
09:55:54  ME : and i think you'd have to grant the fed is a
highly politicized entity
09:56:01  ME : given our above discussion
09:56:11  FRIEND 1 : without a doubt
09:56:28  ME : so money printing ad infinitum is not an option
09:56:48  ME : meaning asset prices have tremendous
deflationary pressure
09:56:51  FRIEND 1 : of course not
09:57:03  ME : since they do not have the bernanke put
09:57:17  ME : and have lots of room still to drop to
correct for the unwind of the credit bubble
09:57:32  ME : how do you not directly go to insolvency of
the financial system?
09:57:48  ME : nationalizations or quasi nationalizations
09:58:00  ME : low to negative growth
09:58:02  ME : in gdp
09:58:28  ME : but not a currency collapse
09:58:28  FRIEND 1 : hmmm
09:58:44  ME : since the creditor nations desire a
perpetuation of the status quo
09:59:13  ME : to me, equals long slow grind
09:59:29  FRIEND 1 : not 10yrs
09:59:31  ME : there will be no miracle jobs recovery
09:59:36  FRIEND 1 : nope
09:59:44  FRIEND 1 : i would say 3-5yrs
09:59:47  ME : 44% of americans aged 25or older have a high
school degree or less
10:00:04  ME : but the marginal unskilled job is created in
china or elsewhere in the third worls
10:00:06  ME : world
10:00:33  ME : current govt obligation have us on a massive
structurla deficit path
10:00:39  ME : constraining fiscal policy options
10:00:47  ME : to 'employ the people'
10:00:52  FRIEND 1 : good point
10:01:38  ME : so i think the current economic environment
continues for 10 years
10:02:16  FRIEND 1 : I think we both agree on major issues its just
the duration where we differ
10:02:26  ME : yeah
10:02:36  ME : and the political impetus is with the tea party
10:02:57  ME : to the point establishment drones like bob
corker are adopting anti-fed positions
10:03:45  ME : so where does your recovery come from?
10:03:52  ME : not asset price based wealth effect
10:03:59  ME : not from fiscal policy
10:04:02  ME : expansion
10:04:25  ME : not from massive change in global economic structure
10:04:28  ME : structure
10:04:41  ME : tat creates the marginal job in more
impoverished places
10:04:45  FRIEND 1 : wow
10:04:46  ME : so... where???
10:04:52  FRIEND 1 : your killing me
10:04:56  ME : yeah guy!
10:05:03  FRIEND 1 : haha
10:05:39  FRIEND 1 : I think we will have 3% growth in 2011
10:06:12  FRIEND 1 : not great but adequate to create some job growth
10:07:56  FRIEND 1 : corporations have healthy balance sheets which helps
10:09:28  ME : no top line growth
10:09:39  ME : and meets/beats on earnings by cutting labor costs
10:09:52  FRIEND 1 : true,
10:09:56  ME : not a healthy macro dynamic!!
10:10:14  FRIEND 1 : I think type line growth will return
10:10:20  ME : how?
10:10:33  ME : top line won’t return without jobs
10:10:38  FRIEND 1 : hopefully the weak dollar helps exports
10:10:39  ME : jobs won;t return without top line
10:10:57  FRIEND 1 : and we realize we need to employ the 44%  of americans
10:11:04  ME : so we're going to start selling things to
the mythical chinese/indian middle classes?
10:11:05  FRIEND 1 : without college degrees
10:11:10  FRIEND 1 : yes
10:11:20  FRIEND 1 : lets build America
10:11:44  FRIEND 1 : this will need to happen over the next 5-10yrs
10:11:55  FRIEND 1 : this imbalance has taken 20yrs
10:12:03  ME : that kind of collective action will take a
deeper dislocation
10:12:06  FRIEND 1 : will take long time to unwind
10:12:13  ME : yes
10:12:21  ME : ok, so you're off 3-5 years
10:12:24  ME : ?
10:12:26  FRIEND 1 : haha
10:12:28  FRIEND 1 : I guess
10:12:31  ME : ok
10:12:42  ME : i am comfortable with 5-10
10:12:57  FRIEND 1 : fiscal policy needs to promote this change
10:13:03  FRIEND 1 : not QE@
10:13:04  FRIEND 1 : 2
10:13:36  FRIEND 1 : QE2 is acting as fire wall
10:14:04  FRIEND 1 : structural change will need to happen
10:14:46  FRIEND 1 : maybe someone with some foresight can convince
the politicians that we must change
10:14:52  FRIEND 1 : this is unsustainable
10:14:52  ME : lol
10:15:12  FRIEND 1 : and dangerous to our very sovereignty
10:15:21  FRIEND 1 : and way of life
10:15:35  ME : you are very sanguine!!
10:15:42  FRIEND 1 : yes,
10:15:56  ME : terrifically optimistic about the intentions
of the people in positions of power
10:16:02  ME : in the face of all the evidence!!
10:16:15  FRIEND 1 : change agent is coming
10:16:24  ME : dude
10:16:27  FRIEND 1 : Senator Young of California
10:16:28  ME : where?
10:16:33  ME : From what party???
10:16:43  FRIEND 1 : which ever you prefer
10:17:07  ME : but to be viable in the current system (very
early on) you have to sell out your beliefs
10:17:16  ME : under the D or R label
10:17:19  FRIEND 1 : rand paul
10:17:22  ME : so I need a billionaire backing
10:17:27  ME : maybe
10:17:34  FRIEND 1 : yes
10:17:45  FRIEND 1 : it can be done
10:17:49  ME : it can be done
10:17:57  ME : believe me, i do think about it
10:18:05  ME : part of the larger, where do i belong motif?
10:18:12  FRIEND 1 : I here you
10:18:24  FRIEND 1 : you have great ideas
10:18:38  FRIEND 1 : need to channel
10:18:39  ME : thanks
10:18:41  ME : yes
10:18:46  ME : into what?
10:18:53  ME : getting a hedge fund gig?
10:19:01  ME : becoming a blogger
10:19:03  FRIEND 1 : the greater good of YOU
10:19:04  ME : talk show host
10:19:18  ME : or involved in government
10:19:28  FRIEND 1 : so how
10:19:30  FRIEND 1 : yes
10:19:31  ME : there is such a thing as the greater good
10:19:38  ME : and enlightened self interest
10:19:39  FRIEND 1 : I think so
10:19:47  ME : enlightened self interest seems to have
died in the last 20 years
10:19:51  FRIEND 1 : yes Grass Hopper
10:20:10  ME : sometimes you have to leave a few seeds in
the ground!!!
10:20:17  ME : usually
10:20:19  ME : in fact!
10:20:29  ME : haha
10:20:43  FRIEND 1 : ha

November 10 Chat 2

06:54:02  ME : morning
06:54:07  *** FRIEND 2 acknowledged the chat request.
06:54:37  ME : obama meeting with jintao at g-20 meeting in korea
06:54:43  FRIEND 2 : good morning
06:54:48  ME : to "try to stabilize financial markets"
06:55:13  ME : i stand by analysis yesterday
06:55:20  FRIEND 2 : China has been letting the currency move,
so hopes are for a comprimise
06:55:35  ME : we'll see more 'fiscal responsibility' talk
06:55:52  ME : i think we'll see that by letting the tea
partyt folks carry the ball
06:56:26  ME : the political calculation for obama and the
dems is that without the gov't spending , the economy falters again
06:56:47  ME : giving a clear counterpoint for 2012
06:57:03  FRIEND 2 : Paul Krugman is the cheerleader.
06:57:09  ME : but it balances the demands of the creditor
nations and the political opposition domestically
06:57:20  ME : what's he saying?
06:57:27  ME : i don;t pay attention to him
06:57:30  FRIEND 2 : spend, spend, spend
06:57:36  ME : what a joker
06:57:45  ME : what was he saying in 2005/2006?
06:58:03  ME : guys like him and tom friedman have zero credibility
06:58:08  ME : in my eyes
06:58:14  FRIEND 2 : agree
07:00:32  ME :
07:00:37  ME : what do you m ake of this?
07:02:20  FRIEND 2 : scary.  our military must have tracked it,
but isn'y saying anything.
07:02:40  FRIEND 2 : sounds like a warning.
07:02:46  ME : it does
07:02:56  ME : jet contrails break up
07:03:03  ME : so that story doesn;t m ake any sense to me
07:10:06  FRIEND 2 : I am surprised it has not attracted more attention
07:10:30  ME : dude, our mainstream media are ore
propaganda than pravda back in the day
07:10:35  ME : more
07:10:46  FRIEND 2 : this could be a serious breach of our defense
07:11:00  ME : or is it really ours?
07:11:11  FRIEND 2 : i liked living in london because the news
was reported so much differently
07:11:32  FRIEND 2 : why launch near the shore?
07:15:09  ME : so its not actually an act of war?
07:15:23  ME : just a reminder we have the technology and they don't?
07:15:39  FRIEND 2 : could be.  why is it not of more concern?
07:16:09  ME : but just because it's not being reported
doesn't mean anything
07:16:44  ME : either way
07:16:54  ME : i mean 'yes, nothing to see here'
07:16:59  ME : approach
07:17:26  FRIEND 2 : scary
07:18:19  ME : so the grand bargain is china lets CNY rise
further in exchange for more power at IMF?
07:18:29  ME : thats being reported on bloomberg tv
07:19:03  FRIEND 2 : Goldman saying so.
07:40:06  ME : what i postulate is already happening!
07:40:19  ME : news of gingrich out there adopting the anti-fed talk
07:40:24  ME : what a shill
07:40:31  ME : these guys are a piece of work
07:47:20  ME : who emerges as 2012 contenders?
07:47:26  ME : palin and gingrich are has beens
07:47:37  ME : christie?
07:47:45  ME : rick perry in texas?
07:48:19  FRIEND 2 : romney is my bet.
07:48:30  ME : ugh
07:48:39  FRIEND 2 : not the right guy, but palatable to the voters
07:48:51  ME : he doesn;t stir the passions of the tea party folkks
07:48:57  ME : he was in favor of tarp
07:49:03  ME : i believe
07:49:51  FRIEND 2 : i don't know, but i do think the tea party
influence will diminish as other issues demand attention
07:50:18  ME : like what?
07:50:28  ME : economy is the main issue
07:50:48  ME : here's a good for instance
07:50:49  ME :
07:50:55  FRIEND 2 : for now, but other issues such as war,
education will resurface
07:51:14  ME : the establishment calling for the death pof
the dollar as reserve currency
07:51:31  ME : but then desiring to continue the policy
regime that got us into this quagmire
07:53:19  FRIEND 2 : the party in power always continues the
policy regime.  otherwise it is suicide.
07:53:29  FRIEND 2 : politically speaking
07:53:39  ME : it is suicide because the entire structure
is now akin to laying on top of a live grenafde
07:53:47  ME : can't get up off of it
07:53:54  ME : or the whole thing explodes
07:54:20  ME : so we will continue to lay on top of the grenade
07:54:30  ME : as the foreign troops advance on us
07:54:32  FRIEND 2 : yes.  growth is the only anwer.  the
question is "how do we get enough of it?"
07:54:37  ME : which way do you choose to die??
07:54:50  ME : but we are not going to grow by laying on
top of the grenade!!
07:55:11  ME : just a slower death
07:56:17  ME : median income in the U.S. is down over the
last 30 years
07:56:29  ME : while the economy has doubled??
07:56:40  ME : incredible
07:56:52  ME : then there's this
07:56:53  ME :
07:57:21  ME : so... lets outspource some  more jobs?
07:57:30  ME : thats the answer??
08:24:56  ME : do you work tomorrow?
08:31:56  FRIEND 2 : No.  Bonds off, stocks in
08:32:26  ME : ok
09:12:43  ME : yen is the safe haven currency
09:12:48  ME : love it
09:12:55  ME : ?
09:13:06  ME : or is dollar still the safe haven?
09:13:15  ME : yen off 1% today
09:14:17  FRIEND 2 : euro off on ireland, and yen yields to low.
09:15:17  ME : do we get a g20 statement today?
09:15:39  ME : look at bloomberg TOP
09:15:42  ME : ist already happening
09:15:50  ME : Hoenig to speak to house republicans
09:18:16  FRIEND 2 : I think the statement comes out friday or saturday.
09:18:53  FRIEND 2 : thanks i did not see it.  new mood in washington
09:41:10  ME : in what scenario does a sustainable dollar
rally happen?
09:47:04  FRIEND 2 : a) if the euro implodes or b) when organic
growth takes hold.
09:47:11  ME : haha
09:47:18  ME : b)
09:47:19  ME : haha
09:51:09  FRIEND 2 : b may take a while!
09:51:19  FRIEND 2 : a could happen tomorrow
10:03:08  ME : doh
10:07:17  FRIEND 2 : 5 vs 30's back at record wides.should see buying
10:24:28  ME : did you watch the video??
10:26:33  FRIEND 2 : yes.  I saw it on the news last night.
looked like a rocket.  1 vapor trail.  not 2
10:27:30  ME : you're telling me with the g20 mwwting,
china openly threatening the dollar's reserve role, lowering usa
credit rating and potentially putting $1T treasuries on offer that its
not related???
10:28:06  FRIEND 2 : do they have a sub capable of evading our defenses?
10:28:16  ME : i think its our missile
10:28:20  ME : not theirs
10:28:43  FRIEND 2 : why would we shoot it from LA?
10:29:04  ME : what good does it do if you don;t get the
world talking about it?
10:29:07  ME : even to deny it?
10:30:11  FRIEND 2 : although, most big nations must have the
ability to spot it even if fired from the middle of the pacific
10:30:24  ME : unless this is them even saying 'we have
moved ahead of you technologically'
10:31:08  ME : then there was this over the summer
10:31:09  ME :
10:31:21  ME : some kind of multi-stage device
10:31:34  FRIEND 2: .  i will have to view from home
10:31:50  ME : its a very interesting video
10:32:14  ME : people thought it was a ufo
10:32:28  ME : but it looks like some kind of multi-stage
rocket technology
10:32:38  ME : launched from hangzhou, china
10:33:43  ME : i'm not a rocket expert
10:33:52  FRIEND 2 : china is the single biggest threat to the world.
10:34:15  FRIEND 2 : followed closely by the us congress.
10:58:59  ME : right on effing cue
10:59:00  ME :
11:12:34  ME : quite a day
11:20:28  FRIEND 2 : yes.  the liberal paul krugman was already
complaing about extending the retirement age.  anything short of
raising taxes on the "rich" is not goood enough for him
11:21:18  ME : whats your sense of positioning ahead of the holidays?
11:21:26  ME : holiday
11:22:31  FRIEND 2 : I think we are ok.  1st buy back is friday.
 we thought monday, so right away.
11:23:27  FRIEND 2 : stocks are happy again
11:24:23  ME : i thought the auction went well given the
spector of armageddon with $1T china treasury holdings on offer
11:25:25  FRIEND 2 : agreed.
11:53:37  ME : "in a surprise move"
11:53:38  ME :
11:53:56  ME : makes the above chat pretty priescent, no?>

November 10 chat

G. D. Young
show details Nov 10 (7 days ago)

06:56:23  *** FRIEND 1 (XXX SECURITIES (USA))  is in the room
06:56:23  FRIEND 1 : good morning
06:56:32  ME : morning
07:38:56  ME : what do you make of this
07:38:57  ME :
07:39:18  ME : i think its a related event
07:57:28  FRIEND 1 : let me take a look
08:00:22  FRIEND 1 : this is really bizarre story
08:00:43  FRIEND 1 : smells like a cover up
08:02:59  ME : seemed like we were stabilizing, what drove
the market lower here?
08:03:36  FRIEND 1 : this feels like a bond concession
08:03:54  ME : i'm getting toasted here
08:04:04  FRIEND 1 : you and many others
08:04:13  ME : yeah
08:04:24  ME : i feel like hanging on
08:04:40  FRIEND 1 : not many traders positioned for this move
08:05:09  FRIEND 1 : I think everyone is doing the same which makes
it very dangerrous
08:05:21  ME : i think the analysis from yesterday holds though
08:05:32  ME : this is a game of chicken between the u.s. and china
08:05:38  FRIEND 1 : 126-03 is key resistance level
08:05:50  FRIEND 1 : sorry, support
08:05:56  ME : well, keep me updated
08:05:57  FRIEND 1 : in 10yr future
08:06:02  FRIEND 1 : will do
08:06:42  ME : huge back up
08:06:53  ME : so we're at 126 11 now
08:07:03  FRIEND 1 : yes
08:07:51  FRIEND 1 : 5s have backed up nearly 30bp over the last week
08:07:56  ME : yep
08:08:06  ME : totally unwinding QE2 rally
08:08:30  FRIEND 1 : yes
08:08:37  ME : what drives bonds lower from here though?
08:08:47  ME : what happens to asset prices if no QE2?
08:08:54  ME : lower, right?
08:08:58  FRIEND 1 : decent data
08:09:06  ME : i'm a seller of better data
08:09:10  FRIEND 1 : there is chance fed does not buy all 600bn
08:09:15  ME : right
08:09:22  FRIEND 1 : thats the risk
08:09:24  ME : they have no credibility
08:09:35  FRIEND 1 : and market starting to talk about it
08:09:39  ME : can’t turn around on wednesday, 1 week later!!
08:09:57  ME : Fed surprised by the G20 reaction
08:09:59  ME : has to be
08:10:09  ME : and I'm surprised at the lack of coordination
08:10:12  FRIEND 1 : and the markets
08:10:17  FRIEND 1 : as well
08:12:16  ME : you think a sustainable recovery is underway
without fed/gov't intervention?
08:12:23  ME :
08:13:06  FRIEND 1 : let me take a look
08:13:21  ME : just a graph
08:26:53  ME : here's the circularity
08:27:02  FRIEND 1 : go
08:27:06  ME : china sells treasuries, pulls the plug on the dollar
08:27:15  ME : cny rises precipitously
08:27:16  FRIEND 1 : keep going
08:27:30  ME : raising the cost of all imported goods into the us.
08:27:43  ME : eg, most manufactured stuff
08:27:51  ME : immediately reducing economic activity
08:27:56  ME : lower volume
08:28:01  ME : at a higher price
08:28:08  FRIEND 1 : yes
08:28:11  ME : negative 'wealth effect'
08:28:19  ME : via the currency mechanism
08:28:35  ME : casting serious doubt on the solvency of the
entire system
08:28:41  FRIEND 1 : yikes
08:28:43  ME : banks, sovereigns, et al
08:28:44  ME : no?
08:28:56  ME : ok
08:29:03  ME : maybe lets break that down
08:29:15  ME : at the very least casting serious doubt on
'the recovery'
08:29:31  ME : changing the inflation/deflation probability ratio
08:29:56  FRIEND 1 : interesting
08:30:10  ME : the natural forces in the economy want to
reset prices lower
08:30:22  ME : median income is down in the u.s. over the
last 30 years
08:30:27  ME : think about that!
08:30:32  FRIEND 1 : good point
08:30:33  ME : the economy has what, doubled?
08:30:39  FRIEND 1 : so asset price revert
08:30:40  ME : the technology boom
08:30:42  ME : etc
08:30:48  ME : nothing has accrued to labor
08:31:01  ME : long form narratives are resolving here
08:31:04  ME : the rise of china
08:31:08  ME : the debt boom
08:31:20  ME : the technology boom
08:31:33  FRIEND 1 : your into something
08:31:39  ME : yeah
08:32:04  ME : it needs more elaboration and refinement
08:32:20  ME : but i think treasuries have to rally
08:32:38  ME : after the inital sell off that we've seen here
08:33:40  ME : or does the fed actually come out and say
'we won;t let the bankers go out of business, we'll print as much
money as we have to?'
08:33:55  ME : literally bringing on hyperinflation?
08:34:03  ME : we have to choose between deflation and hyperinflation
08:34:09  ME : they have to choose
08:34:16  ME : the creditors want deflation
08:35:00  ME : the goldlocks 'we'll print just enough money
to offset the n atural deflation from a credit bubble collapsing' is
being met with serious opposition frmo the creditor nations
08:35:11  ME : i m ean, apparently
08:35:30  ME : remember, stocks were dropping
08:35:36  ME : pre QE 2 rumblings
08:36:05  ME : add in the European sovereign crisis issues
08:37:29  ME : time is the enemy
08:37:35  ME : given the debt overhang
08:37:57  ME : the current situation is structural deficit
08:38:03  ME : meaning the hole just keeps getting bigger
08:42:02  FRIEND 1 : yes, it does
08:42:41  ME : so what do the chinese want?
08:43:11  ME : deflation  collapses the financial sector, doesn;t it?
08:43:49  ME : meaning they don't get paid back
08:44:23  ME : hyperinflation collapses the dollar
08:44:29  ME : meaning they don;t get paid back
08:44:51  ME : isn;t the fed attempting to pursue the
strategy of preserving the creditors??
08:44:58  ME : meaning what's best for the chinese??
08:45:11  ME : but they want more
08:45:20  ME : feel like they should get some equity
08:45:31  ME : so they actually want a restructuring scenario
08:45:41  ME : making moves in a different game
08:45:46  ME : so... what?
08:46:01  ME : bloomberg reporting more power in the imf
08:46:18  ME : china wants/is getting
08:46:31  ME : probably resource availability
08:46:42  FRIEND 1 : gotha
08:46:43  ME : pipelines/oil servicing contracts?
08:47:00  ME : taiwan too
08:47:04  ME : you'd think
08:47:25  FRIEND 1 : yep
08:47:43  ME : imf gets involved in sovereign crisis scenarios
08:47:58  ME : which will be focused on western world in
the foreseeable future
08:48:08  ME : so china wants power in that body
08:48:10  ME : makes sense
08:48:20  ME : imf and world bank have always been tools of
the empire
08:48:35  ME : they are asserting their claim to leadership
08:48:48  ME : which in turn puts the rocket launch in perspective
08:48:51  ME : here
08:49:03  ME : doesn't it?
08:49:09  ME : am i crazy?
08:49:16  FRIEND 1 : nope
08:49:33  ME : we're saying - you can sell as many
treasuries as you want
08:49:41  ME : you don;t have any real power
08:49:48  ME : you don;t have the weapons systems
08:50:08  ME : nor the troops positioned around the world
08:50:21  ME : in a world where fiat currencies collapse
08:50:30  ME : what else matters but control of the
physical resources>
08:50:39  ME : checkmate
08:51:04  ME : so go ahead and collapse the dollar
08:51:19  ME : which throws all fiat currencies into play
08:51:28  ME : it doesn;t matter from a global power positioning
08:51:46  ME : they are a loong way away from usurping the u.s.
08:52:05  ME : its laughable when you remove the financial
microcosm viewpoint we inevitably have
08:52:27  ME : so its stupid for them to overplay their hand here
08:52:30  ME : are they stupid?
08:52:33  ME : i don;t think so
08:56:51  ME : the CNY has rallied 20% since 05, hasn;t
materially changed the structure of trade
08:57:24  ME : whats the big deal over 5% more right now?
09:08:22  ME : so what happens at 126 03??
09:08:58  FRIEND 1 : next stop is 125-16
09:09:10  FRIEND 1 : these are technical levels
09:10:21  ME : catch a falling knife
09:10:33  FRIEND 1 : yep
09:10:38  FRIEND 1 : its very dangerous
09:11:36  ME : what flows are you seeing / hearing from cb's?
09:12:45  FRIEND 1 : rumor of selling however don;t think they
would sell ahead of g 20 meeting
09:13:36  ME : weird weird action
09:13:42  ME : dollar up
09:13:45  ME : gold down
09:13:49  FRIEND 1 : yep
09:13:55  ME : bonds crushed
09:14:01  FRIEND 1 : seems to be proft taking
09:14:18  ME : inflation down
09:14:24  FRIEND 1 : on trades that performed well over the past month
09:15:43  FRIEND 1 : this can all reverse once the fed annocues buy
back at 2pm
09:15:52  FRIEND 1 : can some say wipsaw
09:16:01  ME : Hoenig to speak tio house republicans
09:16:04  ME : its already happening
09:16:22  FRIEND 1 : we know where he stands
09:16:28  ME : and Bowles, Simpson to release Debt Panel Proposal
09:16:36  ME : bloomberg TOP stories
09:16:46  ME : its like scripted
09:16:56  ME : creditor nations complain
09:17:09  ME : roll out the 'fiscal responsibility theme' stuff
09:18:36  FRIEND 1 : everyone talks a good game
09:19:07  ME : we're at 126 03
09:20:26  FRIEND 1 : and for you, a new set steak knifes
09:20:40  ME : great
09:20:48  ME : my old ones wqere getting pretty dull
09:20:58  ME : very hard to 'cut that meat!'
09:22:21  FRIEND 1 : yep
09:22:35  FRIEND 1 : haha
09:41:00  ME : in what scenario does a sustainable dollar
rally happen?
09:45:04  FRIEND 1 : increased economic growth in the US and the
fed stopping QE2 earlier then expected
10:03:01  ME : doh
10:04:47  FRIEND 1 : ugh, everyone is running through the door at once
10:59:08  ME : right on effing cue
10:59:09  ME :
10:59:17  FRIEND 1 : let me take a look
11:03:02  ME : what a day
11:03:10  ME : grit your teeth and hold on
11:03:54  FRIEND 1 : here come the whipsaw
11:04:00  ME : I'm long!!
11:04:02  ME : woohoo!
11:04:08  FRIEND 1 : nice
11:54:06  ME : "in a surprise move"
11:54:07  ME :
11:54:22  ME : makes the above chat pretty priescent, no?
11:55:04  FRIEND 1 : it sure does
11:55:25  ME : and i can't buy my way into a strategy seat...
11:55:28  ME : crazy
11:55:33  FRIEND 1 : hhaha
11:55:53  FRIEND 1 : you have had some good calls